Victoria Storytellers Guild

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Image result for caplin at cape bruce
Cape Bruce on the Fleur-de-lis Highway
It was this time of the year when I visited my friend Donald Murdoch Angus MacQueen who was visiting his mother at Upper Framboise NS, just after graduation. It could have been a long night at the old farm house, but excitement was in the air. There would be a full moon and the caplin would be running. We headed down to Cape Bruce in what amounted to a Cape Breton traffic jam. Everyone was there, buckets in hand, scooping up the little silver fish as they came in the shallow waters towards the shore. Some had fires, were cooking and eating them on the spot. Others were salting them to take home for future feasts. It happens all along the Atlantic coast, said Don. A local favorite that you really don't want to miss.

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