Victoria Storytellers Guild

Friday, June 25, 2010

Stories Are Serious Business

   In 2004, retired research scientist and Storyteller Kendall Haven proclaimed to senior officials at NASA's Goddard Space flight Centre that stories are an information delivery system powerhouse that are evolutionarily hardwired into human brains. When challenged to prove it. Haven interwove research from 16 different fields of science to show that story structure is how we humans think! In his book STORY PROOF: The Science Behind the Startling Power of Storyhe defines eight essential elements that define effective story structure.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Local Storytelling at its Best - Stories at Fern Monday

The last Victoria Storytellers' Guild's "Stories at Fern" until the new season begins in September, is this Monday, June 14th, 2010.

Here are the details:
Monday, June 14, 2010, 7:15 p.m.
1831 Fern Street (between Fort and Begbie). Park on Begbie.
"Stories at Fern" is a public gathering -- open to all (*Adults $5, Students $3), where stories are told and listened to, from September to June.
*There is no admission fee for members. Tea and goodies are included.

Famous Storytellers Callahan and Kujawa on Cortes Island in August

Jay O'Callahan, storyteller, author and workshop facilitator, will lead a very special 6-day workshop at Hollyhock Retreat Centre, Cortes Island, BC Canada August 14-19, 2010. Mandi Kujawa, songwriter, singer, storyteller and librettist from Banff, Canada, will co-facilitate the workshop.

Jay O'Callahan is one of North America¹s most beloved storytellers. Dubbed "a genius² by Time magazine, he has performed his original work with the Boston Symphony Orchestra, at the Abbey Theatre in Dublin, at the Lincoln Center and in theatres throughout the United States. He slips into the souls of his characters and captures the wonder and sparkling sense of life within them. 

Mandi Kujawa brings the element of musical play to the storytellers'exploring their "unique" voice. Mandi and Jay have worked together for seven years co-facilitating workshops.

Workshop Description: Like Fireflies, The Art of Creative Storytelling. Everybody and everything has a story. In fact, we are filled with stories. These stories can be memories of events, characters, places and moments in our lives. These stories are like fireflies flitting around deep inside us. Call forth some of those fireflies in a simple and playful way. When a memory is called forth, the storytelling is often fresh and interesting; the details are sharp, as is the sense of place, characters and the event itself. These forgotten memories are at the heart of good storytelling. Draw your memories out with what Jay calls ³sparks.²

To register for the workshop visit

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